Accidental Discovery: The Revolutionary Gum Restore Toothpaste

Accidental Discovery: The Revolutionary Gum Restore Toothpaste

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Dr. Lee Kyeonghwa’s path to becoming a pioneer in oral health began not in medical school, but in the field of engineering. However, it was her personal health struggles that redirected her career and ultimately led to a breakthrough that has the potential to transform oral care for many.

Fig. 1 Dr. Lee Kyeonghwa's Portrait

Years ago, Dr. Lee faced significant health challenges that modern medicine couldn't fully address. After giving birth via caesarean section, she developed postpartum fever, resulting in joint pain, back pain, and severe headaches. Despite it being summer, she had to wear socks and use a blanket, making daily life difficult.

Desperate for a solution, she turned to traditional Korean medicine, immersing herself in the principles of traditional Asian medicine, including the Five Elements and dietary therapy. This shift marked the beginning of a profound journey. She became an oriental medicine researcher, giving job training and health lectures—including on nutrition—to elementary, middle, and high school nutrition teachers and public health teachers.

Her journey took another pivotal turn when she encountered “Unitein,” a natural bioactive substance known for its numerous health benefits, including the ability to restore damaged cells through DNA repair.

Driven by a passion for helping others and armed with her background in nutrition and traditional Korean medicine, Dr. Lee began focusing on stabilizing the fermentation process of “Unitein” to ensure its quality and efficacy. Her dedication to this research was recognized when she published a paper on the subject and later earned a doctoral degree in medicine from South Korea’s CHA University. Today, she continues to innovate, seeking her fourth patent related to fermentation strains and processes.

Fig. 2 Dr. Lee's doctoral degree in medicine

The Power of ‘Unitein’

The transformative power of Unitein first became widely recognized in 2011. A friend of Dr. Lee, suffering from gout (a painful form of arthritis), experienced a remarkable recovery after taking Unitein. His newfound mobility was just the beginning; he also had significant gum problems that saw marked improvement when he applied Unitein mixed with salt to his gums. However, the salt damaged his teeth, prompting him to suggest to Dr. Lee the development of a toothpaste using Unitein, to harness its benefits while avoiding the harsh effects of salt.

Know more about Unitein toothpaste 

Figure 3 Unitein Toothpaste

Inspired by this suggestion, Dr. Lee embarked on developing Unitein Gum Restore Toothpaste. Her goal was to create a product that combined the potent health benefits of Unitein with a formulation suitable for daily oral care. The result was a toothpaste that is 99% natural and safe for long-term use, even if swallowed—an essential consideration for patients like those with Alzheimer's disease who are often unable to spit out toothpaste.

One particularly touching story came from a customer who used Unitein Toothpaste for his wife, an Alzheimer’s patient. He noticed significant improvements in her oral health, with her oral ulcers healing and her teeth becoming stronger. Unlike regular toothpaste, which often contains chemicals that can harm when swallowed, Unitein Toothpaste posed no such risk, offering peace of mind alongside its health benefits.

Despite its high cost, Dr. Lee advises using only a small amount of Unitein Toothpaste when brushing due to its potency. Yet, some customers found that using it more generously led to even better results, with stronger and thicker teeth—a testament to the effectiveness of this natural formulation.

Know more about Unitein toothpaste 

Periodontitis and Systemic Inflammation

Periodontitis, a severe gum infection that damages the soft tissue and bone supporting the teeth, is linked to systemic inflammation. This condition can lead to serious health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory problems. Data show that in the United States, among those 65 and older, approximately 68 percent, or two out of three, have gum disease, with nearly 20 percent experiencing complete tooth loss.

A 2023 study in The Lancet Healthy Longevity found a link between periodontitis and over 50 systemic inflammatory diseases. Periodontitis can alter the oral and gut microbiome, leading to a systemic pro-inflammatory state associated with conditions like diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, pulmonary diseases, and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

How to Prevent Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is mainly caused by bacterial plaque on teeth. If not cleaned, this plaque leads to persistent mouth inflammation and periodontal tissue damage. Most cases are preventable by managing dental plaque.

Choosing the right toothpaste is critical in preventing and managing periodontitis.

Research indicates that ginseng has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and osteogenic benefits for oral health. Korean red ginseng provides antioxidant, antitumor, antimutagenic, and immunomodulatory effects, reducing lymphocyte DNA damage and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation.

A 2012 study in Clinical Examination showed that Unitein, a natural bioactive substance primarily made from red ginseng, exhibits significant effects against chronic diseases. Masayuki Shono, lead author of the study and a researcher at Tokushima University, stated that combining Unitein with chronic disease treatments enhances its effectiveness.

Chien-Tung Wu, a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioner in Taiwan, shared with The Epoch Times, “From my own experience, I’ve found that using Unitein Toothpaste, which helps repair gum recession, has significantly sped up my recovery from mouth ulcers.” Unitein Toothpaste, containing red ginseng bacillus, is effective in treating oral wounds, thereby improving gingivitis and periodontitis.

Dr. Tsai advises patients with periodontal disease to seek professional dental care and develop a tailored treatment plan based on their oral conditions. By addressing the issue at its core, they may avoid the various health risks mentioned above.

Know more about Unitein toothpaste 


I have been using Unitein for several months now and see an improvement in my gums along with healing of several sore spots on my gums. Would recommend!!!

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